Best hair repair treatment for bleached hair

If you have bleached hair then you know how important it is to maintain your hair health. The removal of colour from your hair drastically changes your hair not just the colour. Removing colour form your hair results in hair that is drier, more damaged and less healthy than your original hair. The lighter you go the more damage the bleach will cause to your hair. You need something will get your hair as healthy as possible at home. A specialized hair repair treatment will improve your hair quickly and easily. The best hair repair treatment for bleached hair is the Olaplex Hair Perfector No 3 Repairing Treatment.

What is it:  A hair treatment that will help you repair your hair and will prevent and reduce the amount of damage and breakage you have.

What to know about the product:

  • Strengthens damaged air
  • Restores your hair health
  • Strengths structure
  • Repairs structure.

This product

This is a world-class at-home hair repair treatment. You can extend the time between salon visits by using this treatment, saving you time and money. Bleaching your hair is the most damaging process you can do to your hair so you need something that can repair your strands.

This product works to repair broken strands making it a great match for your bleached hair. It works on heat damaged hair, permed hair, bleached hair and any other hair that needs its bonds restored. Overall it will improve the texture and quality of your hair.

Strengthens the hair bonds

The bonds in your hair follicles will be damaged if you bleach your hair. The bleaching process makes your hair weaker and the more you do it the weaker the bonds become. This product remedies your hair using a molecule called OLALEX. This molecule has been designed by material scientists to improve the hair. It does this by repairing the broken bonds in your hair caused by bleaching, chemical treatments and everyday styling.

Prevents further damage

If your hair is bleached you need something that will help it stay protected from further damage. This product will help you do that, it improves the bonds on your hair and thus the hair becomes stronger and more resilient to damage. This will give you shinier, heather and stronger hair.

Paraben-free, Sulphate-free

Sulphates are parabens are ingredients you really don’t want in your beauty products. Anything you put on your hair and skin will absorb and find its way into your bloodstream. You need to be aware of what you’re using. If you walk down the beauty aisle in shops you’ll find more and more products written “sulpate free’ or “paraben-free’

Sulphates aren’t toxic but they can dry out your hair, they can also cause skin, eye and mouth irritation. Parabens are more dangerous, they have been linked to breast cancer and reproductive toxicity. This product is free from paraben and sulphates making it safe to use.

Cruelty-free and vegan

With more and more people looking into how their products are made comes more people wanting products that don’t harm themselves or animals. Companies have been listening and developing products to meet the demand. This product is vegan and cruelty-free.

Cruelty-free products are hard to come by and vegan products are equally as difficult to find. When you find a product that is both vegan and cruelty-free you know you’ve hit the jackpot. Our furry friends we’ve not harmed in the making of this product. That’s a bonus on two fronts.

How to use:

  1. Start off with unwashed hair
  2. Apply the product from root to the tip
  3. Comb through your hair making sure the product is evenly distributed
  4. Let the product soak on your hair for 10 minutes
  5. Rinse the hair until the water runs clear.

Tip: You can use this treatment once a week on your hair to maintain the health or you can use it more often if your hair is more damaged.

Tip: This product is not a hair moisturiser. This is simply a hair treatment. Regular shampooing and conditioners are necessary when using this product.

Tip: This treatment has a complimenting shampoo and conditioner. To get the full effect the products need to be used all together.


Your bleached hair needs a lot of maintenance and this product will help maintain it. It is an award-winning product that will help get your damaged bleached hair to a healthier state. It contains a break though molecule which will repair your hair in an amazing way.

Many people have fallen in love with this product and it is clear why. This mixture will strengthen your damage hair, mend your brittle strands, and bring back the shine into your hair. You’ll love this at-home treatment as much as others who have bleached their hair, it’s a game-changer. All in all, it’s a good product that I think you’ll love. 

More products for bleached hair

If you’ve bleached your hair it is important to use products that will maintain it. All your products pretty much need to be designed or made for bleached hair.

If you want a cost-effective product that will clean your bleached hair but not change the colour and dry it out then a purple shampoo will be great. This is the best drugstore purple shampoo for bleached hair.

Oils will provide an amazing amount of nutrients to your bleached hair. Have a look at this nourishing oil for your bleached hair. You’ll need to condition your hair on a regular basis, this will keep your bleached hair soft. Here is an amazing conditioning treatment for bleached hair.

You need a protein treatment to keep your hair strong and prevent breakage. Have a look at this effective protein treatment for bleached hair. Heat styling can open up a whole new world of styling possibilities. You need to protect your hair when you style though. Here is the best heat protectant for bleached hair.

I hope you enjoyed this article looking at the best hair repair treatment for bleached hair. If you enjoyed it or found it helpful please share it

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