Best heat protectant for bleached hair

Applying heat on your hair without using a heat protectant is like taking something out of a hot oven with no gloves on, something is going to get burnt. If you apply heat on your hair without a heat protectant your hair will get damaged, you might not see it in the short term but it will definitely happen. The more heat you add the more damaged your hair will become. Your hair is especially delicate if you have bleached hair, bleached hair has been chemically proceeded and will be easily damaged. For this reason, it’s important to use a heat protectant. The best heat protectant for bleached hair is the Kenra Platinum Blow-Dry Spray

What it is: A heat protectant spray that will work on your bleached hair and will drastically reduce your drying time.

What to know about it:

  • Cuts down drying time
  • Protects against intense heat
  • Eliminates frizz
  • Prevents damage and breakage.

Why bleached hair needs a heat protectant

Bleaching your hair strips all the colour off of your hair, that’s how you get that white colour. The bleaching product opens up your cuticles and gets into your hair shaft. On a molecular level, the pigment molecules of your hair react and the bleach breaks the pigment down.

This process damages your hair, the natural fatty acids in your hair are also broken down and your cuticles are lifted during this process. The lifted cuticles create an environment where moisture evaporates leaving your hair dry and brittle. If you add heat to your hair without a heat protectant the already weak hair will lose even more moisture, become brittle and break off.

This product.

This heat protectant will create a barrier over your hair, protecting it from the hot tools you use on it, it also fights off free radical damage caused by UV damage. You can go out into the sun and your hair will be protected from the sun’s rays. This product prevents not only against heat damage but protects against future breakage as well.

This lightweight formula conditions your hair but also protects it at the same time. The heat protectant contains vitamins and fatty acids which will help nourish your hair. This added conditioning will give you smoother, detangled and softer hair.  After the blow-dry your hair will be bouncy, healthy and will smell great.

Contains jojoba oil and argan oil

Both these oils have a plethora of nutrients that will nourish and moisturize your hair. Jojoba oil contains vitamin c, b, e copper and zinc. Argan oil contains antioxidants, vitamin e, oleic acid and linoleic acid. These nutrients will penetrate your hair strand strengthening and nourishing it.

The fatty acid content of the argan oil will penetrate the hair strand and moisturize it. All this will boost the health of your hair and you’ll have shiny, happy hair because of these oils.

Bye-bye to frizz

Frizzy hair is caused by a lack of moisture in the hair. Frizz happens more when the hair is damaged as the moisture escapes from the cuticles. The heat protectant will help rectify that, it protects by creating a layer around the hair. This layer of protection covers the hair strand from the elements and the heat, this will prevent frizzy hair.

Protects against humidity

If you live in a humid area and you use this product your hair will be protected from frizzing up. Hair frizz happens when humidity in the air creates a reaction where the hydrogen, water molecules and proteins in your hair bond and cause fizziness. This heat protectant will keep that reaction from happening keeping your hair sleek and not frizzy.

Protects against high heat

Heat styling tools can add a lot of heat onto your hair. And to make things worse, when we blow dry our hair we may follow up with a straightener. Sometimes we let the straighter pass on our hair for longer than recommended. If this is you the heat protectant will help keep you from burning your hair.  

How to use:

  1. Start off with damp hair
  2. Shake the bottle well
  3. Spray the product evenly onto your hair making sure to spray all your strands
  4. Blow-dry your hair
  5. Style as desired.


If you’re a person who puts any kind of heat on your bleached hair then this will be a good product for you. It will protect against high heat and will cut your blow-drying time.

The argan and jojoba oil in this product helps deliver nutrients and minerals to your hair and this lightweight formula won’t weigh down your hair. It is perfect for your bleached hair, it will eliminate any sighs of frizz, and protect against humidity or damage. All in all, it’s a great heat protectant and I think you’ll like it.

More products for bleached hair

If you’ve bleached your hair it is important to use products that will maintain it. All your products pretty much need to be designed or made for bleached hair.

If you want a cost-effective product that will clean your bleached hair but not change the colour and dry it out then a purple shampoo will be great. This is the best drugstore purple shampoo for bleached hair.

Oils will provide an amazing amount of nutrients to your bleached hair. Have a look at this nourishing oil for your bleached hair. Bleaching your hair will make it weaker, you need to strengthen it before it breaks off. Here is an amazing hair repair treatment for your bleached hair.

You’ll need to condition your hair on a regular basis, this will keep your bleached hair soft. Here is an amazing conditioning treatment for bleached hair. You need a protein treatment to keep your hair strong and prevent breakage. Have a look at this great protein treatment for bleached hair.

I hope you enjoyed this article looking at the best heat protectant for bleached hair. If you enjoyed it or found it helpful please share it

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