Best hair oil for bleached hair

Your bleached hair isn’t only damaged by the bleach, everyday things like styling, brushing, using heat, over-shampooing and the environment can cause your bleached hair to become more damaged. Straw like hair that is damaged and rough isn’t really desirable. What you want is soft, shiny, easy to manage bleached hair. With that comes maintenance, to get this kind of hair you need to use the right products. The right products include the best hair oil for bleached hair, and this is the Argan Oil for Hair Treatment By Arvazallia.

What it is: An argan oil that will repair and nourish you bleached strands making them look beautiful and healthy.

What to know about it:

  • Gives you silky soft hair
  • Eliminates frizz
  • Acts as a heat protectant
  • Repairs hair
  • Hydrates the hair

This product:

This non-greasy oil has a nourishing formula that will not leave any residue on your hair. The nourishment that your hair will revive from this oil will give you radiant, shiny, healthy, strong and vibrant hair. Whether you are a regular at bleaching your hair or a first-time bleacher this oil will restore the damage that the bleaching caused. If your hair is over-processed the oil will revive your hair’s health.   

If you’ve been bleaching your hair this oil will help you restore and repair it. The product will deliver nourishment and the nutrients from the argan oil. The oil penetrates the hair follicle moisturizing and nourishing it. As time goes by, with consistent use, your hair will become softer, stronger and more moisturized.

More on argan oil:

Argan oil is called liquid gold in Morrocco, it is known as an amazing oil that nourishes, adds shine to, and boosts the health of your hair. The oil is derived from the kernels of the argan fruit free in morocco and the Moroccans have been using this oil for cooking, beauty and home remedies. It has been discovered by the rest of the world and it is now a staple in many peoples beauty routine.

The oil has various hair benefits. The fatty acid, vitamin and antioxidant content of the oil offers your hair and scalp benefits restoring your bleached strands.

The fatty acids in the oil include oleic acid and linoleic acid. These fatty acids provide moisture by penetrating the hair follicle and nourishing the hair. They also lubricate the strands of hair reducing friction and maintaining moisture. Your lubricated hair strands are less likely to rub against each other and become damaged. The added moisture will prevent hair from breaking or splitting.

Hair growth

Argan oil has an abundance of vitamin e. This vitamin helps boost the rate and quality of hair growth. It gets into the scalp and nourishes it. Creating an optimum environment for hair growth.  

Protects against damage

As you go about your day your hair gets damaged by styling, the environment, over washing and handling. The fatty acids in the argan oil help to create a protective layer amount your hair strands preventing it, from not only damage you may accidentally cause, but from environmental factors that may damage your hair.

Protects against the sun

Bleached hair is susceptible to all kinds of damage, even the rays of the sun. Moroccan women would protect their hair from the rays of the sun using argan oil. The oil also keeps your hair protected from free racial damage and heat damage from the sun. The protection keeps your hair from drying out, and getting damaged by the suns ultraviolet rays.

How to use:

  1. Start off with dry hair
  2. Apply 2-4 pumps of this hair oil into your hands and warm the oil by rubbing it between your hands.
  3. Distribute the product into your hair by rubbing your fingers through your hair. Apply the product from root to tip.
  4. Let  the oil absorb and dry into your hair then blow-dry and style as usual

Tip: You can use this oil on your hair daily, your hair will absorb the oil and get a boost of nutrients

Tip: If you have any stray hairs on your hair apply 1-2 pumps on the oil and use it to smooth your hair down.

Usage tip: You can use this oil as a mask 1-2 time a week, if you plan on using it as a leave-in conditioner you can use it every day to give your hair moisture and nourishment.


This oil and your bleached hair will go together like two peas in a pod. It will eradicate any frizz, dryness or rough hair on your head. Your hair will receive a boost of nourishment anytime you use the oil. It is a non-greasy formula that keeps your hair protected and shiny. With the reduction of dryness, frizz and brittle hair your hair will be more manageable and beautiful. In general, it’s a great oil and I’m sure you’ll love it.

More products for bleached hair

If you’ve bleached your hair it is important to use products that will maintain it. All your products pretty much need to be designed or made for bleached hair. You need a protein treatment to keep your hair strong and prevent breakage. Have a look at this great protein treatment for bleached hair.

If you want a cost-effective product that will clean your bleached hair but not change the colour and dry it out then a purple shampoo will be great. This is the best drugstore purple shampoo for bleached hair.

Heat styling can open up a whole new world of styling possibilities. You need to protect your hair when you style though. Here is an amazing heat protectant for bleached hair.

You’ll need to condition your hair on a regular basis, this will keep your bleached hair soft. Here is the best conditioning treatment for bleached hair. Bleaching your hair will make it weaker, you need to strengthen it before it breaks off. Here is the most effective hair repair treatment for your bleached hair.

I hope you enjoyed this article looking at the best hair oils for bleached hair. If you enjoyed it or found it helpful please share it

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