Best conditioning treatment for bleached hair

Bleaching your hair can be an exciting experience, seeing your colour change from one colour to the next will make you look and feel like a totally different person. The transformation doesn’t only happen to your hair colour though. Unfortunately, the texture of your hair can go from soft and silky to straw-like and brittle. You need to take steps to treat it right between salon visits. One of the steps you need to take is finding a good condoning treatment, the best conditioning treatment for bleached hair is the Arvazallia Rejuvenating Hair Mask and Deep Conditioner

What it is: A rejuvenating deep conditioner that has been formulated for colour treated hair.

What to know about it:

  • Contains argan oil
  • Contains macadamia oil
  • Professional quality
  • Makes your hair silky
  • Rejuvenates colour treated hair
  • Boost shine
  • Sulphate free
  • Paraben-free

What this product will do:

Your bleached hair needs to be manually moisturised and conditioned. This product will do just that. Your hair will be instantly transformed and rejuvenated. Your bleached strands will be repaired of any damage or dryness it may have incurred while being bleached or might have incurred while brushing, washing or inflicted by the environment.

If your hair gets tangled, gets dry, or is damaged then this hair treatment can help you rectify these issues. The combination of oils in this product provides a boost of fatty acids, vitamins and minerals which will help get your hair back into tip-top shape. It works on all types of hair, not just bleached hair, providing hair-boosting benefits to permed, natural, straight and curly hair.

Main ingredients:

Argan oil

There are many benefits that argan oil will have on your hair. This is due to the high concertation of fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants in this oil. All of these nutrients, when deposited into your hair, will make your hair softer, smoother and more manageable. The fatty acids and vitamin E in this oil will boost your hairs elasticity while improving your hairs shine and health. Your hair will also be protected from dangerous free radicals and the UV rays of the sun.

Macadamia oil

This oil can be applied topically on the hair to give a boost of shine and smooth the hair. It is a vegetable oil so it easily penetrates the hair shaft infusing the hair with fatty acids. These fatty acids help to hydrate and moisturise the hair giving you healthier and shinier hair after just one use of the product. This oil is an emollient, it is great at smoothing your hair and giving it a glossy look, this glossy look will be maintained on your hair.

Hydrolyzed wheat protein

More and more hair products are using this protein in their formula. This is an ingredient that helps to strengthen and support the hairs natural structure. The bleaching process makes your hair a bit weaker, this protein is absorbed by your hair and makes the hair thicker, and fuller. It also gives your hair a glossy shiny look.

Sulphate free

As you walk down the hair care isle you’ll find more and more products written: “sulphate free.” Sulphates, when used in haircare products create a lather when mixed with water. If sulphates are used on the hair they can cause damage, strip away your hair’s natural oil later and irritate the eye, mouth and skin. This product does not contain sulphates.


Parabens are used in various health and beauty products. They are found in approximately 85% of hair and beauty products. They are used so extensively because they are a preservative, giving more shelf life to your products and preventing the growth of yeast, bacteria and fungus in products. It has been found that they are quite a danger to your health. They have been linked to breast cancer and reproductive toxicity.

How to use:

  1. Start with freshly washed hair
  2. Dry the hair manually or leave it to air dry until the hair is damp
  3. Apply this deep conditioner evenly on your hair, use a comb or your fingers to distribute it all over your hair.
  4. Leave the product to soak into your hair
  5. Wash out till the water runs dry

Tip: When drying your hair do not use a face or body towel, you can use a microfiber towel as it is more gentle on your hair

Tip: You can leave the product on your hair for longer than recommended, it won’t be detrimental to your hair


This is a well-loved product and it gives amazing results after the first wash. The levels of softness and moisture on your hair will be restored after using the product. It works quickly and works well on all types of hair doing a great job at improving elasticity and shine on your hair.

More products for bleached hair

If you’ve bleached your hair it is important to use products that will maintain it. All your products pretty much need to be designed or made for bleached hair.

If you want a cost-effective product that will clean your bleached hair but not change the colour and dry it out then a purple shampoo will be great. This is the best drugstore purple shampoo for bleached hair. You need a protein treatment to keep your hair strong and prevent breakage. Have a look at this great protein treatment for bleached hair.

Oils will provide an amazing amount of nutrients to your bleached hair. Have a look at this nourishing oil for your bleached hair. Bleaching your hair will make it weaker, you need to strengthen it before it breaks off. Here is an amazing hair repair treatment for your bleached hair.

Heat styling can open up a whole new world of styling possibilities. You need to protect your hair when you style though. Here is an effective heat protectant for bleached hair.

I hope you enjoyed this article looking at the best conditioning treatment for bleached hair. If you enjoyed it or found it helpful please share it

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