Best protein treatment for bleached hair

If you want to change your hair colour to a white, grey of platinum blond bleaching is the way to go. Unfortunately bleaching your hair can come with some undesired side effects. The drastic colour change can give you dry, brittle hair that breaks much easier than your normal hair colour would. To maintain strong hair you need a protein treatment that will solve the problem. If you’re looking for the best protein treatment for bleached hair then have a look at the Arvalallia Fortifying Protein Hair Mask and Deep Conditioner to give you soft, healthy hair.

What it is:  A treatment that will repair damaged hair, it treats damaged hair as a result of bleaching, dying, excessive heat use and the effects of the environment.

More on the product:

  • Perfect for bleached hair
  • Rich in aragan oil
  • Contains macadamia oil
  • Softens hair
  • Makes your hair easy to manage
  • Prevents breakage
  • Wheat protein
  • Aloe Vera

What is a protein treatment:

Protein treatments are hair treatments that contain proteins which can be absorbed by the hair. These treatments repair damaged hair by penetrating the follicle and strengthening it. Weak hair generally has gaps in the cuticle where moisture evaporates and causes dry brittle hair that is prone to breakage. When the hair absorbs the protein the hair shaft is strengthened. At home protein treatments are an easy way to improve your damaged hair

What this product does for you:

This protein treatment will give you rejuvenated hair. The treatment contains beneficial oils which will repair weak, damaged and bleached hair. The protein will help strengthen and fortify your hair strands and the oils will rejuvenate and replenish them. You will have stronger hair and your weakened hair shaft will be treated.

Main ingredients:

Argan oil

This oil is a staple of Moroccan skincare and haircare and it should be a staple in your regimen too. The oil is rich in fatty acids which penetrate hair strand and moisturise it, any sign of dryness will be eliminated after using argan oil. The vitamin E content of this oil will also give your hair a boost of shine and moisturise it making it easy to manage. If you have frizzy hair or split ends after bleaching the argan oil in this product will help your hair get back to health.

Macadamia oil

This oil comes from the island of Hawaii, it is exacted from the nuts of the macadamia tree and has one of the highest sources of fatty acids out of all foods. It easily absorbs into the hair shaft making it an amazing moisturiser for your bleached hair. In addition to depositing fatty acids into the hair shaft, the oil gives your hair a boost of calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and copper.

Wheat protein

If you want an ingredient that will add shine, volume, thickens your hair and repairs damaged hair then this is the way to go. This protein isn’t an animal protein so it has a low molecular weight, for this reason, it can easily penetrate the hair shaft.

When applied on the hair the protein is aborted into your hairs inner fibres, strengthening and thickening the hair. This is especially beneficial to you if you have bleached hair because bleached hair is generally weaker than your normal hair.

Aloe Vera

This plant can be used in beauty products or alone, it is extensively used and for good reason. The plant is great at moisturising and nourishing the hair, it won’t leave a greasy or oily residue on your hair that can weigh it down. It penetrates the hair strands and repairs the hair cells.

The plant contains vitamins a, e, and e, these vitamins will help with your scalps cell turnover thus promoting shiny and healthier hair. It’s also helpful in calming an itchy scalp, gently cleaning the hair and scalp and preventing hair fall.

Sulphate and paraben-free

As the beauty industry evolves the use of harmful ingredients has been decreasing. The use of sulphates are parabens has been decreasing too. Sulphates in products can cause irritation in the eyes, mouth and skin. Parabens have been linked to breast cancer and productive toxicity. This product is free form sulphates and parabens.  


You’ll be able to see the results of this product immediately after use. Your hair will be silkier, softer and smoother. It will add moisture and shine to your hair without weighing your hair down, leaving an oily residue or making your hair feel greasy.

The treatment will help strengthen and thicken your hair and you won’t have to suffer hair fall from bleaching your hair. It has all the ingredients you want in a protein treatment and none of the ingredients you don’t want that can harm your health. All in all, it’s a good product that I think you’ll love it.

More products for bleached hair

If you’ve bleached your hair it is important to use products that will maintain it. All your products pretty much need to be designed or made for bleached hair.

Oils will provide an amazing amount of nutrients to your bleached hair. Have a look at this nourishing oil for your bleached hair. If you want a cost-effective product that will clean your bleached hair but not change the colour and dry it out then a purple shampoo will be great. This is the best drugstore purple shampoo for bleached hair.

Heat styling can open up a whole new world of styling possibilities. You need to protect your hair when you style though. Here is the best heat protectant for bleached hair. You’ll need to condition your hair on a regular basis, this will keep your bleached hair soft. Here is an amazing conditioning treatment for bleached hair.

Bleaching your hair will make it weaker, you need to strengthen it before it breaks off. Here is the best hair repair treatment for your bleached hair.

I hope you enjoyed this article looking at the best protein treatment for bleached hair. If you enjoyed it or found it helpful please share it

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