How to take care of hair daily at home

Sometimes you don’t really feel like going to the hair salon to get your hair done or to maintain it. An easier option is to simply do it yourself. Doing it yourself will help you understand your hair better. It will help you figure out what your hair likes and what it doesn’t like. It will help you avoid some mistakes that hairstylists might make because of miscommunication. After reading this article you’ll know how to take care of your own hair in the comfort of your own home.

Routine for healthy happy and strong hair:

Brushing: You need to do this to prevent any matting or tangling of your hair before you wash it. Your hair is very delicate when wet and if you detangle in the shower you could wind up with more hair breakage than you bargained for.

Pre-shampoo: This is what you do just before you shampoo. It will prevent your shampoo from stripping the hair too much. This can be in the form of coconut oil, hair loves coconut oil. It is great at softening and nourishing the hair strands. You can wear a heat cap and leave the coconut oil in your hair for about an hour before washing. If you don’t use a heat cap you can leave the oil on your hair overnight.

Wash your hair: You need to be quite gentle when you are washing your hair. Well, gentle as to not cause damage to your hair but you still need to clean it well. When you shampoo your hair you need to shampoo it twice. The first wash is to remove all the product build up off of your hair, the second wash will be to wash the actual hair.  This will clear off the product build-up on your hair that can cause acne.

Condition: This is necessary to replace any loss of moisture that the shampoo might have caused. You will need to condition your hair to ensure that it is well hydrated and moisturised.

Blow dry while brushing: When your hair is a bit damp but not dry you will want to take a brush and blow dryer to it. Apply some heat protectant on the hair to prevent heat damage, also apply a serum. You might also want to blow dry the hair upside down. This will add more volume to your hair.

Straighten with a blow-dryer: To avoid the harmful effects that a straighter might have on your hair I recommend using a brush to straighten your hair. You will need to slowly chase the brush with the blow-dryer while keeping your hair stretched

Styling: You can choose to leave your hair as is or you can choose to style it. How you style it is dependent on you. If you will be styling with heat products be sure to use a heat protectant first before applying the heat to your hair.

Tips to boost your routine:

You will need to regularly trim your hair to remove any split or dead ends every few weeks. You can do a trim every 6-8 weeks. This will prevent the dead ends from coming up the shaft and doing damage

If it doesn’t suit your hair type then you shouldn’t be washing your hair daily, this can cause damage, dry hair and breakage if you wash when your hair doesn’t need the wash. You can use a dry shampoo in between washes. Don’t overdo it as this can have detrimental effects on your hair and scalp.

When you rinse off your products you should use cool water as hot water can be damaging to the skin and to the hair as well.

Try to use a sulphate free shampoo, if you use sulphates on your hair in the form of shampoos then this can be very stripping as it removes too much of the natural oils that keep your hair healthy.

Micellar shampoos are a great way to gently cleanse your hair. These shampoos don’t have sulphates so they don’t lather, this is a good thing as they don’t strip your hair.

Keep additions such as permeant colouring to a minimum. It not only causes damage to your hair but it can also irritate the skin. If you want to colour your hair use henna or vegetable based colourants. If you choose permanent dye methods read up on how they can cause acne or a rash.

Deep condition your hair on a regular basis. This will prevent your hair from becoming weak and damaged especially if you have coloured hair.

If you think that you are getting pimples as a result of your hair read more about how this can happen here. Product build up might not be the only reason you get pimples. You can figure out the reason for your pimples based on the location, read here to do so.

To get the dead skin cells off your hair you can exfoliate it. You will need peels and scrubs that have been formulated to be used on the scalp. Read more here  

I hope you enjoyed this article on how to take care of hair daily at home. I hope that you practice this routine and tips for stronger healthier hair. Get ready for salon hair at home! If you found this article interesting please share it.

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