Can over exfoliated skin cause acne? A closer look

Exfoliation is an essential step in your skincare routine but over exfoliated skin is not healthy skin. Over exfoliated skin causes acne. If you over-exfoliate your skin you damage your skins natural moisture barrier and allow bacteria and irritants to enter your skin, this causes acne. In addition, over-exfoliation leaves your skin dry. When dry your skin produces sebum in […]

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Serum vs oil for hair, a comparison

Regardless of what your hair texture is, healthy hair always looks best. The look of shiny, soft touchable hair is desired by many. You can achieve this look using either hair serums or hair oils. These products can help your hair in more ways than just making your hair shiny. These products deliver nutrients to your hair making sure the […]

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Does hot water damage skin? A closer look

If you like using hot water on your skin you may want to reconsider your water temperature choice. The delicate skin on your face can become damaged by hot water. Hot water damages the skins natural protective barrier and this can result in an uneven skin tone. It can strip your face of sebum making your skin dry. Hot water […]

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Does dry shampoo cause bald spots? A closer look

Dry shampoo seems like a busy person’s god sent, all you do is spray this magical formula that will help you achieve cleaner, oil-free hair in seconds. It’s a quick and easy way to make your hair look and feel better. When you spray this magical formula onto your hair it absorbs all the excess oil, it also gives your […]

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Hair glue poisoning, a closer look

Wigs are pretty convenient. They give you an instantly fresh new look when you feel like it, help keep your actual hair protected and are just fun to wear. Though sometimes when we use them we run the risk of causing some damage. This can be seen by the thinning hairlines of some people who glue down their wigs. The […]

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Why do cornrows itch? and what to do about it

Protective styles are great, from weaves, wigs, cornrows, Senegalese twits the list of options is long. You sit in the chair looking one way and get up looking like a whole new you. They can add life back into the hair, they can also add itching. What gives? Cornrows are a pretty protective style that can be used in the […]

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Weave/extensions allergy symptoms

Weaves/extensions can be great, they work as a protective style when you need them to. Protecting your actual hair from the cold winters and over manipulation. They’re also great for a quick switch up from your real hair. All these are convenient to have if you aren’t allergic to the hair. Sadly some people can’t install this lovely addition as […]

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Dry shampoo foam vs spray, a comparison

If you have a busy life or are kind of lazy to wash your hair sometimes there are options out there for you! If you want to wake up 15 minutes later than you usually would while others have to deal with washing their hair then you can! Modern products have given us the ability to do just that There […]

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