Humidifier for oily skin, is it for you?

Getting a humidifier for your oily skin might be one of the best decisions for your skin. The humidifier is good at combating acne as well as other skin concerns such as eczema, dry skin and other skin problems. This article looks at the benefits that the humidifier offers. Humidifier for oily skin Humidifier overview Using a humidifier is a […]

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Why is my skin so dry after a shower?

Nice hot showers are great, they are relaxing, they warm you up and they loosen you up after a long tiring day. There might be a couple of things you’re doing wrong in the shower and this is what is causing your skin to be dry after a shower. If you want to ensure that your skin is healthy and […]

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Exfoliating gloves vs scrub, which is best for you?

Exfoliation is important if you want soft, smooth skin. How you achieve this will be determined by your needs. Both the exfoliating glove and exfoliating scrub exfoliate your skin well, the best for you depends on your needs. Exfoliating gloves are cheaper long term, they increase circulation but can be abrasive and attract bacteria. Scrubs are more expensive long term, […]

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Why do face masks tingle?

You may like the tingling sensation you feel when you put on a face mask. The tingling isn’t necessaly a good thing though, this is why. Face masks tingle because they either contain irritating ingredients which react on your skin and cause tingling or because your moisture barrier is damaged and gets irritated when you apply the mask onto your […]

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How do I know if my skin is oily or dry?

Knowing the answer to this question will make your life easier when shopping for products. Knowing the answer will ensure that you aren’t using products that will be detrimental to your skin. This article will help you figure out if you have oily or dry skin. it will answer the question “How do I know if my skin is oily […]

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Symptoms of over-washing your face

You might be experiencing symptoms of over-washing your face and not even know it. These symptoms might seem like your normal everyday skin type because you’re so used to it. This article will help you figure it out if you have symptoms of over-washing your face. Symptoms of over-washing your face Over-washing the face is actually pretty common. In an […]

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Disadvantages of oily skin and making the best of it

All skin types have their pros and cons, this is a look at the disadvantages of oily skin. The disadvantages of having oily skin include excessive sebum on the skin, excessive shine, a more greasy looking face, sensitivity to comedogenic ingredients (ingredients that clog the skin and cause breakouts) and the need to wash your skin more frequently. On the […]

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How to make sunscreen not look oily

Many of us know that we need sunscreen but we’re put off by the fact that it makes us look oily. Yes, sunscreen is very necessary because we need it to 1: to prevent getting sun-related skin diseases 2: to prevent premature ageing. What we don’t want is the oily, shiny look that we get when we use sunscreen. This […]

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How to reduce oil production on the face

There are some pros and cons to having an oily face. There are ways to make the best of it though. Oily faces tend to look more youthful for longer which is a desirable side effect but you might not be fond of the excess oil because it can make you look shinny. This article will help you figure out […]

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Best Korean chemical exfoliators

Exfoliating your skin can take it from being dull and rough to being smooth and amazingly soft. The exfoliation process helps to either remove the dead skin cells physically or chemically. Funny enough chemical exfoliators are the gentler choice. They are less intense and aren’t damaging. Korean skincare has given us an amazing array of products to choose from. You […]

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